Together We Treasure Christ

Jan 5, 2025    Pastor Rev. Craig T. Smith


Here are some additional devotional thoughts based on Together We Treasure Christ:

1. Christ: The Foundation of Our Identity

Reflect on the profound truth that you were created through Jesus and for Jesus. This isn’t just a theological fact; it’s a truth that shapes your entire life. The culture around us may try to assign labels and identities based on achievements, relationships, or appearance, but the ultimate foundation of who you are is rooted in Christ. Your worth is not measured by the world's standards but by the Creator who formed you with a specific purpose. When you face moments of doubt, look to Christ as the source of your identity, knowing that you are His workmanship, lovingly created in His image and for His glory.

Devotional Thought: As you reflect on your identity in Christ today, ask yourself: “Who does Christ say I am?” Allow the truth of being in Christ to define you more than anything else. Meditate on verses like Ephesians 2:10 or 2 Corinthians 5:17 to remind yourself that you are a new creation, with an identity given by God Himself.

2. Living for Christ: The Purpose of Your Life

Jesus is not just the agent of creation; He is the reason for creation. In Colossians, Paul shows that everything was created for Christ, and this includes your life. Your purpose is not to seek fulfillment in temporary things, but to glorify God in all that you do. This might seem countercultural in a world that tells us to chase personal ambition, wealth, or success. Yet, true fulfillment comes when we embrace the reality that our lives are meant to bring God glory. Whether in your work, your relationships, or your everyday tasks, ask yourself: “How can I make this an act of worship?”

Devotional Thought: Spend some time in prayer, reflecting on the ways you might be focusing on things other than Christ. Surrender those things to Him and ask for a renewed sense of purpose centered on glorifying Christ in all things. Romans 12:1 encourages us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice—holy and pleasing to God. Consider how this looks in your life today.

3. The Supremacy of Christ in Every Area of Life

The supremacy of Christ must not only be a theological truth we affirm on Sundays but a lived reality every day. When Paul says that "in Him all things hold together," he is declaring that Christ is not only the creator of the universe but also its sustainer. Your life is held together by His power. In the chaos of life, when things feel uncertain or out of control, remember that Christ is supreme over all. He is the one who sustains and holds everything, including your life, together. Nothing is outside His control.

Devotional Thought: Reflect on areas of your life that might feel out of control or disconnected from God’s purposes. Is there a particular worry or fear that is overshadowing your peace? Take a moment to submit that area to Christ, reminding yourself that He holds all things together. Colossians 1:17 is a great verse to meditate on: “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

4. Christ’s Blood: The Ultimate Source of Peace

The sermon reminds us that Jesus not only created us but also shed His blood for our redemption. His blood on the cross brought peace, reconciling us to God. This is the most profound act of love the world has ever known. Reflect on the incredible price Christ paid for your salvation. It’s easy to become distracted by the trivialities of life and lose sight of the gospel’s power. However, the blood of Christ is the ultimate answer to our deepest need—the need for peace with God and forgiveness for our sins.

Devotional Thought: Take a few moments to simply thank God for the gift of salvation through Christ’s sacrifice. Allow the weight of His love and the reality of your forgiveness to stir your heart in worship. Reflect on how His peace has impacted your life, and consider how you can share that peace with others.

5. Living Out the Supremacy of Christ Together

The vision of the church is to “guide people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.” This is not an individual endeavor but a communal one. We are called to live this out together, as a body of believers. The supremacy of Christ is not just something we acknowledge privately but something that should unite us in our shared mission. We need each other to continually treasure Christ, encourage one another, and keep Christ at the center of our lives. Together, we can help each other live out our purpose and identity in Christ.

Devotional Thought: Consider the people in your church or community with whom you can share this truth today. How can you encourage them to treasure Christ more deeply in their own lives? Reach out to a fellow believer and remind them of their identity in Christ and the purpose they have to glorify Him.

Conclusion: Together We Treasure Christ

The central theme of this message is that together, we treasure Christ. This means living out His supremacy in every area of life, not just as individuals but as a community. Christ is the foundation of our identity, the source of our purpose, and the reason we exist. As we treasure Him together, we point others to the joy found in knowing Him and making Him known. Let this truth guide your life today, and may you find peace in the knowledge that all things are held together by the supremacy of Christ.

Final Thought: As you finish your devotional time, consider this prayer: "Lord, thank You for creating me through Jesus and for Jesus. Help me to treasure Him above all else and to live out my purpose of glorifying You. May Your supremacy reign in every area of my life, and may I share this truth with others, pointing them to the joy found in Christ alone."


Here are some discussion questions based on Together We Treasure Christ:

1. The Supremacy of Christ

How does understanding that "everything was created by and for Jesus" affect your view of the world around you? In what ways can this truth shape your daily decisions and priorities?

The sermon emphasizes that Christ is the creator and sustainer of all things. How does this affect how you see Christ's role in your life and the world? Are there areas in your life where you need to submit more fully to His supremacy?

2. Identity in Christ

The sermon points out that "you were created through Jesus and for Jesus." What does this truth say about your identity? How do you respond when the world or your inner voice tries to define you by external standards, such as achievements or appearance?

How can we help each other as a church to encourage one another in our true identity in Christ? Share examples of how the body of Christ can support one another in this area.

3. Purpose in Life

The sermon asks, "Why am I here?" and answers, "Your purpose is to glorify God and reflect His greatness." How do you live out this purpose in your everyday life? In what specific ways can you shift your focus toward glorifying God in all areas of your life?

How can the church equip believers to better understand and live out their purpose in Christ? How does having a clear purpose in Christ help us navigate the distractions of modern life?

4. Christ’s Peace Through the Cross

Reflecting on the truth that "Jesus made peace through His blood, shed on the cross," how does the gospel bring peace to our lives? How does knowing that Christ's sacrifice brings reconciliation with God shape your relationship with Him?

Are there any areas of your life where you are still seeking peace or reconciliation? How can you invite Christ into those areas and trust Him to bring peace?

5. Living Out the Supremacy of Christ Together

The sermon emphasizes that "Together We Treasure Christ." How can the church, as a community, live out the supremacy of Christ in a world that increasingly rejects this truth? What are some practical ways we can support one another in keeping Christ central in our lives?

How does the collective aspect of our faith (being "together") impact our ability to treasure Christ? How can we ensure that we are not just individually focused but also united as a body of believers in our devotion to Christ?

6. Responding to Challenges to Christ's Supremacy

Paul responded firmly to threats against the supremacy of Christ in Colossae. In what ways do we see similar challenges to Christ's supremacy today? How can we respond in a Christlike manner when our faith or the truth of the gospel is questioned or attacked?

What role does Scripture, like the passage in Colossians 1:15-20, play in defending and affirming the truth of Christ’s supremacy? How can we use these truths to strengthen our faith and witness in a skeptical world?

7. Practical Application: Living for Christ in Daily Life

The sermon encourages us to make everything about Jesus—our identity, our purpose, and all of life. What are some practical steps you can take today to make Christ more central in your thoughts, actions, and relationships?

How can your church or small group create environments where each person is reminded of their identity and purpose in Christ? How can you hold each other accountable to live in light of Christ's supremacy?

8. Personal Reflection:

Reflecting on the message, what is one area of your life where you need to reorient your focus back to the supremacy of Christ? How will you take a step of faith to live more intentionally for Him?

Is there any personal struggle you're facing that you need to submit to Christ's supremacy? How can the body of Christ support you in this?

These questions are designed to help individuals and groups reflect on the key points of the sermon, engage in deeper discussion, and apply the truths about the supremacy of Christ to their daily lives.