Together We Share the Gospel

Jan 12, 2025    Pastor Rev. Craig T. Smith


Here are some further devotional thoughts based on the sermon, designed to deepen personal reflection and application of the message:

1. Witnessing Through Our Transformation

The sermon emphasized that the ultimate proof of Jesus’ resurrection isn’t found in mystical images or signs, but in the lives of believers. As followers of Christ, we are called to be living proof that Jesus is alive. Reflecting on this, ask yourself: How has the resurrection of Jesus transformed my life?

Consider how your faith has shaped your character, decisions, and relationships. Is there evidence in your life—through joy, peace, forgiveness, or humility—that points others to Jesus? Take a moment to meditate on your personal testimony and the ways in which God has changed you since you encountered the gospel.

Devotional Prayer: "Lord, thank You for the life-changing power of the gospel. Help me to live in a way that reflects Your resurrection power. May my life be a witness to those around me of Your love, grace, and victory over death. Show me areas where I can grow in demonstrating the life You’ve given me. Amen."

2. Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Be Bold Witnesses

The sermon reminds us that we are not called to witness in our own strength, but through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit equips us, fills us with courage, and helps us speak truth in a world that desperately needs it. As you think about this, ask: Am I relying on the Holy Spirit for boldness in sharing my faith, or am I trying to do it in my own strength?

Consider the times when you have been afraid or hesitant to speak about Jesus. Instead of focusing on your inadequacy, remember that the Spirit of God is within you, empowering you to witness effectively. Reflect on how you can open yourself more fully to the Spirit’s guidance and courage.

Devotional Prayer: "Holy Spirit, I acknowledge my need for Your power and presence in my life. I confess that at times I have been timid or unwilling to share my faith. Fill me with boldness and wisdom to speak Your truth with love and conviction. Lead me to those who need to hear about Jesus and equip me to be a faithful witness. Amen."

3. The Urgency of the Great Commission

In Acts 1, the angels ask the disciples, “Why are you standing here looking into the sky?” This is a gentle but urgent reminder that we have a mission to fulfill on earth—spreading the good news of Jesus. The angels redirected their focus from looking up to looking out, towards the world in need of the gospel.

Take a moment to reflect on the urgency of the mission Jesus entrusted to us. How can I be more intentional in sharing the gospel with those around me? Are there specific people in your life—family members, coworkers, neighbors, or friends—who need to hear about Jesus? Ask God to show you the next step in your involvement in His mission.

Devotional Prayer: "Father, forgive me for the times I have become complacent or passive in my faith. Stir in me a renewed passion for the gospel and an urgency to share it with others. Open my eyes to the lost around me and give me the courage to speak Your truth. Use me, Lord, to bring others to the knowledge of Your saving grace. Amen."

4. The Call to Endure for the Gospel

The word “martyres,” which is where we get the word “martyr,” reminds us that being a witness for Jesus may involve discomfort, hardship, or even persecution. Am I willing to endure for the gospel? Reflect on the sacrifices others have made to spread the gospel—both historically and in your own life—and consider how you can be faithful, even when it’s difficult.

In the face of opposition, remember that Jesus Himself endured the ultimate suffering for our salvation. His love for us was stronger than any obstacle, and His resurrection proves that no trial is beyond redemption. Reflect on the cost of discipleship and how you can remain steadfast in your witness, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Devotional Prayer: "Jesus, thank You for the ultimate sacrifice You made for me on the cross. I am in awe of Your willingness to suffer for my salvation. Help me to be bold and faithful, even when sharing my faith is difficult. May I be willing to endure for Your name’s sake, knowing that the gospel is worth every cost. Amen."

5. Living as Proof of the Resurrection

The sermon challenged us to examine whether we are truly living as evidence of Jesus’ resurrection. When we remember the moment of our salvation, the joy and gratitude we felt, we are reminded that our lives are not our own—they are testimonies of Jesus’ work in us. What evidence of the resurrection can I point to in my daily life?

Take time today to reflect on how the gospel has shaped your decisions, priorities, and relationships. Is there a specific area of your life that needs to more fully reflect the reality of Jesus being alive? Ask God to help you become more intentional in living out the resurrection power within you.

Devotional Prayer: "Lord, help me to live every day as evidence of Your resurrection power. May my life be a testimony to Your love, grace, and transformative work. Show me areas where I need to reflect You more fully, and give me the strength to be a faithful witness in all things. Amen."

These thoughts encourage believers to not only reflect on the truths in the sermon but also to actively apply them in their daily lives. As you meditate on these points, pray for God to open your heart to deeper devotion and a stronger commitment to sharing the gospel with others.


Here are some discussion questions based on the sermon. These questions are designed to encourage reflection, dialogue, and practical application of the sermon’s key themes.

1. The Proof of Jesus’ Resurrection

Rev. Smith highlighted that Jesus showed "many proofs" that He was alive after His resurrection. How does this differ from the idea that Jesus can be "proven" through symbols or images, like the "Jesus toast" mentioned in the sermon?

In what ways can we today provide "proof" that Jesus is alive, apart from physical appearances? How can our lives be a living testimony to His resurrection?

2. Empowered by the Holy Spirit

The sermon emphasizes that the Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses for Jesus. How have you personally experienced the Holy Spirit’s power in your life, especially when sharing the gospel with others?

Are there areas of your life where you feel the need for more empowerment from the Holy Spirit? How can you open yourself more fully to His guidance?

3. Overcoming Hesitancy in Sharing the Gospel

Rev. Smith challenges us to be bold witnesses, even when sharing the gospel might be uncomfortable. What are some of the reasons people hesitate to share their faith, and how can we overcome those obstacles?

Have you ever been hesitant to witness because of potential discomfort or rejection? How did you handle that situation, or how would you approach it differently now?

4. The Urgency of the Great Commission

The angel in Acts 1 asked the disciples, “Why are you standing here looking into the sky?” This pointed them to the work that still needed to be done. How can we apply this message in our own lives, especially in our evangelistic efforts?

Are there people or groups you feel God is calling you to reach out to with the gospel? What practical steps can you take this week to share the good news with them?

5. Living as Evidence of the Resurrection

Rev. Smith asked, "What evidence does your life provide that Jesus is alive?" What are some ways your actions, words, or relationships reflect the power of the resurrection?

How can you grow in being a more faithful witness to the world around you? Are there specific areas where your life might need more evidence of Jesus' transformative power?

6. Enduring Discomfort for the Gospel

The word “martyres” (witness) is tied to the concept of enduring hardship or even suffering for the gospel. How willing are you to endure discomfort for the sake of bearing witness to Christ? What sacrifices might this require?

How can you encourage one another in the group to endure for the gospel, especially when facing challenges or opposition?

7. Personal Testimonies

Rev. Smith challenges us to share the joy of our salvation, as we would share the details of a painful experience, like the shingles. Can you remember the moment when you first came to faith in Christ? How does thinking about that experience move you today?

How can we become more intentional in sharing our personal testimonies of salvation with others, even in casual conversations?

8. Witnessing in the Church Community

The sermon mentioned the importance of talking about the kingdom of God when we’re around other believers. How can we cultivate conversations within the church that focus on the gospel and the kingdom of God, rather than on complaints or distractions?

What role does the church community play in equipping you to be a better witness outside of church? How can we support one another in being bold and effective witnesses for Christ?

9. Living in Light of the Great Commission

Jesus ascended into heaven, but He left His disciples with a mission to spread the gospel. How can we, as a church community, stay focused on the mission of making disciples and sharing the good news, especially in a culture that often seems indifferent or hostile to the gospel?

What are some ways you can practically share the gospel in your everyday life—at work, at school, with family, or in your community?

These discussion questions can help participants delve deeper into the themes of the sermon, fostering a greater understanding of the message and its application in their lives. They also provide an opportunity for the group to encourage and challenge one another in living out the gospel more faithfully.