Together We Give
1. The Temporary Nature of Earthly Treasures
Rev. Smith’s reflection on how “stuff doesn’t last forever” reminds us that all material possessions—whether it’s cars, shoes, or childhood memorabilia—are impermanent. The things we accumulate on earth will eventually fade, break, or be lost. This serves as a poignant reminder to not place our trust in possessions or temporary achievements but to shift our focus to things that last forever. The question becomes: What am I truly valuing today? Am I holding on to things that will not endure, or am I investing in eternal things—relationships with God, love for others, and the furthering of God’s kingdom?
Devotional Thought: Consider the things in your life that you are holding onto tightly. Are these things bringing lasting value, or are they simply distracting you from the eternal? Take time today to reflect on how you can begin to let go of earthly treasures to make room for heavenly ones.
2. Generosity as a Reflection of the Heart
One of the core themes of the sermon is that saved people are generous people. When our hearts are aligned with God's will, our generosity naturally flows from a place of deep gratitude for what Christ has done for us. Generosity is not just about money; it’s about giving of our time, energy, talents, and resources to advance the gospel. Jesus calls us to be good stewards, not to hoard what we have, but to share it for His purposes.
Devotional Thought: Ask yourself, “How am I using the gifts God has given me to serve others and further His kingdom?” Whether it’s a small act of kindness or a larger sacrifice, each act of generosity makes a difference. Reflect on the ways you can live out your faith through generosity this week.
3. The Eyes of the Heart
The “good eye” and “bad eye” analogy is powerful because it challenges our perspective. If we are focused on earthly things, our hearts will become full of darkness, consumed by envy, greed, and selfishness. However, if our eyes are fixed on heavenly treasures—God’s purposes, His love, and His mission—we will see clearly and walk in the light of His will. Our hearts will be transformed to reflect His generosity and grace.
Devotional Thought: Reflect on the state of your heart and your vision. Are you seeing the world through God’s eyes, valuing what He values, or are you focused on temporal and fleeting things? Ask God to give you a “good eye”—a vision that seeks first His kingdom and righteousness.
4. Living for Eternal Value
Jesus makes it clear that we cannot serve both God and money. In our world, the temptation to idolize wealth and success can easily take over. But the pursuit of earthly treasures will never satisfy the longing of our souls. Only a relationship with God through Christ can provide true peace, joy, and fulfillment. Everything we gain on earth will eventually fade away, but the treasures we store in heaven—through loving others, living in obedience, and advancing the gospel—will last for eternity.
Devotional Thought: Take some time to evaluate your priorities. Are there areas of your life where the pursuit of wealth, status, or comfort has taken the place of God’s purposes? Pray for the wisdom to live for eternal value, focusing on what will last beyond this life.
5. The Generosity of God
Rev. Smith’s mention of the story of the vineyard workers—where the workers who labored all day were upset by the generosity shown to those who worked less—reminds us of how easy it is to fall into the trap of jealousy and a "bad eye." When we focus on what others have or what others are receiving, we miss the generosity of God in our own lives. God’s generosity to us is immeasurable and often comes in ways we don’t expect. Just as He was generous with His grace, we are called to be generous with our resources and lives.
Devotional Thought: Reflect on God’s generosity toward you. How has He been gracious and abundant in your life? How can you extend that same generosity to others, even those who may not “deserve” it by earthly standards? Consider ways you can mirror God's generosity in your relationships and in your giving.
6. Eternal Impact
The final thought from the sermon, quoting Jim Elliot, encapsulates the core truth: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” This powerful statement urges us to live with an eternal perspective. Our earthly sacrifices—whether in terms of time, money, or effort—are never in vain when they are for the purpose of advancing God's kingdom. The eternal rewards that come from investing in people’s lives and sharing the gospel will never be lost.
Devotional Thought: Pray about the areas in your life where you feel hesitant to give. Are there things you’re holding on to that God is asking you to release in order to make an eternal impact? Trust that anything given for God’s glory is never wasted and will bear fruit that lasts forever.
Closing Prayer:
Lord, help me to see my life with the “good eye”—to value what is eternal over what is temporary. Teach me to live generously, not hoarding my possessions or time, but offering them freely to serve You and others. Help me to invest in the relationships that matter most, especially my relationship with You, and to treasure the eternal rewards that come from seeking Your kingdom. I trust that You will provide all that I need, and I want to use all that I have to further Your purposes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
These devotional thoughts encourage us to evaluate our hearts, motives, and actions, aligning them with the values of the Kingdom of God, and to live with a focus on eternity rather than the fleeting things of this world.
Earthly Treasures vs. Heavenly Treasures
Reflect on your life. What are some things you may be holding onto too tightly? How can you shift your focus from earthly treasures to heavenly treasures? What are some specific ways to store up treasures in heaven?
The Impact of Generosity
How would you define generosity in a biblical sense? In what areas of your life do you feel God is calling you to be more generous—not just with money, but with time, energy, or resources?
Perspective on Wealth
Jesus warns us about the dangers of wealth. How do you personally see the relationship between wealth and faith? Do you tend to associate material wealth with spiritual blessing? Why or why not?
The "Good Eye" and "Bad Eye"
How can your “eyes” (perspective) affect your actions and choices? What does it mean to have a “good eye” in terms of how you view material things, wealth, and generosity? What are some signs that someone might have a “bad eye”?
Jealousy and Generosity
How do you respond when you see others receiving blessings or recognition that you feel you deserve? How can we cultivate a heart of generosity and rejoice in others' blessings instead of becoming envious?
Sacrificial Giving
What are some things you have sacrificed for the sake of following Jesus or serving others? How does sacrificial giving reflect a heart that treasures eternal values over earthly ones?
Eternal Impact
Consider the things in your life that you invest in (relationships, career, hobbies, etc.). How do these investments reflect your belief in eternity? How can you prioritize eternal impact over temporary success or accumulation?
Heart Check on Generosity
Jesus says where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. In what ways does your spending, time management, and energy reveal what you truly treasure? How can you align your heart with God’s priorities in your daily choices?
Living with an Eternal Perspective
How does the reminder that “stuff doesn’t last forever” impact the way you live each day? How can you cultivate an eternal perspective that influences your decisions, relationships, and priorities?
Application of Generosity in the Community
As a group, how can you collectively serve others and be generous with your resources? What are some practical ways you can make an impact in your community, both locally and globally, by living out the values of generosity and selflessness?
These discussion questions are designed to encourage deep reflection and group conversation about the core themes of generosity, the pursuit of eternal values, and the importance of perspective when it comes to wealth and possessions.