Together We Need People

Mar 2, 2025    Pastor Rev. Craig T. Smith


1. The Boldness of Our Access to God (Hebrews 10:19-22)

Hebrews 10:19-22 reminds us of the bold and confident access we have to God, thanks to Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies, and that too only once a year, with great trepidation. The high priest’s entrance was based on rituals of sacrifice and the hope that God would accept the offering. But now, because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we are invited to enter God’s presence boldly, with full assurance, every day, not based on our own merit but on Christ's finished work on the cross.

Reflect on the wonder of this: you, a believer, can approach God, not in fear, but in confidence, knowing that Jesus has opened the way. This truth is transformational. Are there areas in your life where you hesitate to approach God? Hebrews calls you to step forward in confidence, knowing that Christ has already made the way clear for you. You can enter with a sincere heart (a heart that is genuine and true in its devotion) and full assurance of faith, trusting in what Jesus has done.

2. The Power of Community in Worship (Hebrews 10:23-25)

Hebrews 10:23-25 speaks to the importance of community in our walk with God. The early Christians were encouraged to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, and this was done most effectively when they gathered together as a community of faith. There is a unique strength that comes from gathering with fellow believers, not just in a physical sense but in the unity of spirit. Worship isn’t meant to be a solitary activity but a shared experience. When we come together as the Church, we collectively express our confidence in God’s faithfulness.

The text calls believers to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. This spurring is more than just encouragement; it’s an active call to help one another grow in faith and good works. The Christian life was never meant to be lived in isolation. We need the church—the body of Christ—to help us keep our focus, to help us endure, and to help us move forward in our relationship with God.

3. The Importance of Consistent Fellowship (Hebrews 10:25)

One of the most profound encouragements in this passage is the exhortation to not forsake the assembling together of believers. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to skip church or avoid fellowship for various reasons, but Hebrews challenges us to prioritize gathering together for worship. There is something irreplaceable about coming together as a community of believers, not just to be fed spiritually, but to encourage, build up, and hold each other accountable.

This call to regular fellowship is crucial for our spiritual well-being. Just as a flame will flicker and die out without constant fueling, so too will our faith struggle without the regular gathering of believers to encourage us. Whether it’s in church on Sundays, in small groups, or even in one-on-one conversations, fellowship is vital for the health of our spiritual lives. How easy it can be to become complacent or isolated when we neglect this discipline! Hebrews reminds us that the community is where we are strengthened and where we are called to live out our faith.

4. The Urgency of Faithful Encouragement (Hebrews 10:25)

The writer of Hebrews also emphasizes that this gathering together is all the more important as we see the day of Christ’s return approaching. There is an urgency to this encouragement. The closer we get to Christ’s return, the more important it is that we remain faithful to one another and continue to encourage one another.

The trials of life can lead us to become discouraged, distracted, or even fall into sin, but the gathering of believers helps us stay the course. We need each other to remind us of our hope in Christ and to encourage one another to live out the love and good deeds that demonstrate the impact of our faith.

5. Living with Confidence and Hope

Finally, let us be reminded that our confidence to enter the Divine Presence and our hope in Christ is something that is meant to be shared. It’s not just for you alone—it’s for the community. As we draw near to God with sincere hearts and full assurance, we do so together. We are a part of the body of Christ, and our relationship with God is made deeper and stronger as we live it out in community.

There is a beauty in being part of the body of Christ—a beauty that can be easily overlooked in the busyness of life. But when we take time to recognize the privilege and responsibility of gathering together, encouraging one another, and holding fast to the hope we profess, we experience something more profound than what we can do on our own. Together, as a family of believers, we draw near to God and grow in our faith.

Reflection Questions:

Do you approach God with boldness and confidence, knowing that Jesus has paved the way for you to enter His presence?

How can you spur one another on toward love and good deeds in your church community?

Are you prioritizing the gathering together of believers, not just for your benefit but for the sake of the body of Christ?

How can you encourage others in your faith community to continue gathering and growing together, especially in challenging times?

Take some time today to reflect on these truths and ask God how you can more faithfully walk in community with others and enter His presence with confidence and sincerity.


Confidence in Entering God's Presence:

What does it mean to confidently enter God's presence? How does this truth affect your personal worship experience?

How does Jesus' sacrifice give us the boldness to approach God? Have you experienced moments where you felt confident in God's presence? Why or why not?

The Role of Community in Our Faith:

Why is community so crucial in the Christian faith? How does being part of a church family enhance your spiritual life?

In Hebrews 10:23-25, the writer emphasizes spurring one another on. What are practical ways we can encourage and support one another in love and good deeds within our church community?

The Importance of Gathering Together:

Why is the regular gathering of believers (whether for worship, small groups, or fellowship) so essential to our faith?

How might missing regular church gatherings impact your spiritual health and the health of the broader church community? Have you ever felt isolated from your church community? What steps can you take to reconnect?

Sincere Worship:

In Hebrews 10:22, the call is to approach God with a sincere heart. What does “sincere worship” look like in your life?

What are some obstacles to worshiping God with a sincere heart? How can we work through these obstacles to engage more deeply in our worship?

The New and Living Way:

What does the "new and living way" opened by Jesus mean for us today? How does this differ from the Old Testament system of sacrifices?

In light of this new way, how should we approach our relationship with God differently than those in the Old Testament? How can this understanding of Jesus' sacrifice impact your daily walk with God?

The Power of Corporate Worship:

How can worshipping together as a community strengthen our faith? What are some ways you’ve experienced the power of corporate worship in your life?

In what ways can we make worship more meaningful when we gather as a church? What role do our preferences (e.g., music style, seating arrangements) play in our worship experience?

Perseverance in Faith:

Hebrews 10:25 warns against forsaking the gathering of believers. Why do you think this is so important for the perseverance of our faith?

How can we encourage others who may be drifting away from community or church attendance to return and recommit to gathering together?

Encouraging One Another:

What are some practical ways we can encourage others in our faith community, especially those who might be struggling or feeling discouraged?

How can we be intentional in building relationships that spur each other on toward love and good deeds?

These questions can guide thoughtful conversation and reflection on the importance of community, worship, and the bold access we have to God through Jesus.